With the Elementor Forms Cost Calculator, you can create dynamic and interactive forms that provide users with instant cost calculations or estimates. This is particularly useful for businesses or websites that offer products or services with variable pricing based on user selections or quantities.
Here are some key features and capabilities typically offered by the Elementor Forms Cost Calculator:
- Calculation Fields: This extension introduces calculation fields into your Elementor Forms forms. You can define these fields and specify mathematical formulas or expressions using variables and operators.
- Variable Inputs: Users can input values into the form, such as quantities, dimensions, or other parameters that affect the final cost calculation.
- Conditional Logic: The plugin allows you to incorporate conditional logic into the calculations. This means that you can set up different calculations based on specific conditions or user choices.
- Dynamic Updates: As users make changes or update input values, the cost calculation is automatically updated in real-time, providing instant feedback.
- Customizable Output: You can customize the display and formatting of the calculated cost or estimate. This might include adding currency symbols, decimal places, or any additional text.
- Integration with Elementor Forms: The extension seamlessly integrates with the Elementor Forms plugin, allowing you to leverage its form-building capabilities while adding cost calculation functionality.
Plugin Installation – top
Download it here: https://add-ons.org/plugin/elementor-forms-cost-calculator/
Once you’ve downloaded a plugin, you’ll need to install it on your website. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard. Navigate to the “Plugins” section and click on “Add New.” Search for the plugin by name and click “Install Now” once you find it.
After installation, click on “Activate” to activate the plugin.
In the WPForms form editor, you’ll find a new “Calculator” section. Here, you can create and manage your calculations, including:
- Calculation Formulas: Define the mathematical expressions and logic for your calculations.
- Conditional Calculations: Set up rules to apply different calculations based on form field values.
- Calculation Formatting: Customize the display of your calculated values, such as currency formatting, decimal precision, and more.
Calculation settings
Step 1: On your WP dashboard, head to Pages – Create a new page – Edit with Eleemtor.
Step 2: In your form editor – Add a field – Choose Calculator type.

when you enter, suggested functions will appear.

Number Format
Switch on “Yes”.

IF Condition
Logical operators (==, !=, <, <, >=, <=) are supported, but logically they can only return true (1) or false (0). In order to leverage them, use the built-in if function:
✔️ One condition:
E.g: If (A>B, 100, 10)

Have a result:

✔️ Two conditions:
if(if( condition, true, if( condition, true, false))
E.g: Calculate the entrance fee to the zoo park:
Children under 10 years old receive a 50% discount, persons over 70 years old receive a free, and everyone else pays the exact original price.
- Step 1: Drop down fields: Original Fee (type:number), Age(type:number slider), Final Fee(type:calculator)
- Step 2: Set formula:
if(field_d060d05 <10, field_6922ee0*0.5, if( field_d060d05>=70,0, field_6922ee0))
field_d060d05: ID of Age
field_6922ee0: ID of Original Fee
- Step 3: Save and Have a preview:

Date/ Month/ Year calculations
days( end, start)
months( end, start)
years( end, start)
end: copy & paste ID of Date B
start: copy & paste ID of Date A

Age calculation
Method 1: Based on Date of Birth to present
- Step 1: Drop down fields: Date of Birth (type:date) and Age (type: calculator).
- Step 2: Set formula:
birthday: ID of Date of Birth ( when you click on Date of Birth field and continually click on Advanced tag, it is displayed.
- Step 3: Save and have a look!

Method 2: Based on date of birth until a given date.
- Step 1: Drop down fields: Date of Birth (type:date), Given Date(type:date) and Age (type: calculator).
- Step 2: Set formula:
birthday: ID of Date of Birth
field_2f377d6: ID of Given Date
- Step 3: Save and have a look!

BMI Calculator
- Step 1: Create fields: Weight(type:number), Height(type:number), BMI Calculator(type:calculator)
- Step 2: Set formula:
field_d953e95: ID of Weight
field_c6d91bb: ID of Height
- Step 3: Please have a preview:

Supported symbols – top
Symbol | Explanation |
+ | Addition Operator eg. 2+3 results 5 |
– | Subtraction Operator eg. 2-3 results -1 |
/ | Division operator eg 3/2 results 1.5 |
* | Multiplication Operator eg. 2*3 results 6 |
Mod | Modulus Operator eg. 3 Mod 2 results 1 |
( | Opening Parenthesis |
) | Closing Parenthesis |
Sigma | Summation eg. Sigma(1,100,n) results 5050 |
Pi | Product eg. Pi(1,10,n) results 3628800 |
n | Variable for Summation or Product |
pi | Math constant pi returns 3.14 |
e | Math constant e returns 2.71 |
C | Combination operator eg. 4C2 returns 6 |
P | Permutation operator eg. 4P2 returns 12 |
! | factorial operator eg. 4! returns 24 |
log | logarithmic function with base 10 eg. log 1000 returns 3 |
ln | natural log function with base e eg. ln 2 returns .3010 |
pow | power function with two operator pow(2,3) returns 8 |
^ | power operator eg. 2^3 returns 8 |
root | underroot function root 4 returns 2 |
sin | Sine function |
cos | Cosine function |
tan | Tangent function |
asin | Inverse Sine funtion |
acos | Inverse Cosine funtion |
atan | Inverse Tangent funtion |
sinh | Hyperbolic Sine funtion |
cosh | Hyperbolic Cosine funtion |
tanh | Hyperbolic Tangent funtion |
asinh | Inverse Hyperbolic Sine funtion |
acosh | Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine funtion |
atanh | Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent funtion |
Use cases – top
Input | Result | Explanation |
2+3-1 | 4 | Addition and Subtraction operator |
2*5/10 | 1 | Multiplication and Division operator |
tan45 or tan(45) | 1 | Trigonometric Function ( tan in Degree mode) |
tan45 or tan(45) | 1.619775190543862 | Trigonometric Function ( tan in Radian mode) |
Pi1,15,n or Pi(1,15,n) | 1307674368000 | Product of Sequence |
Sigma1,15,n or Sigma(1,15,n) | 120 | Sum of Sequence( also called summation) |
2^3 | 8 | Exponent( note this operator is left associative like MS Office) |
5P3 | 60 | Permutaion Method to calculate all the permutaions |
sincostan90 or sin(cos(tan(90))) | 0.017261434031253 | Multiple functions with or without parenthesis (both works) |