The Digital Signature add-on allows you to add a digital signature field to your contact forms, enabling users to sign forms electronically.
Table of contents:
- Signature Capture: Users can sign their name using their mouse, touchscreen, or a digital pen.
- Signature Validation: The plugin ensures that the signature field is filled out before the form can be submitted.
- Signature Image: The signed image is saved and submitted with the form data.
- Customizable Appearance: The signature field can be customized with various options, such as size, color, and background.
- Responsive Design: The signature field adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
Plugin Installation
Step 1: Download the plugin:
Step 2: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. From the sidebar, navigate to Plugins and click on Add New. Choose the Upload Plugin option, select the plugin file you downloaded in step 1, and click Install Now. Once the installation is complete, click on the Activate button to activate the plugin.
How To Add Signature Fields to Your Forms?
Create a new form – Add a field – Choose type Signature.

Save and Have a preview

Signature Settings
- You can decide to assign/change a Width and Height as well as Background-signature and Color. We have left the default color, which is black and the background is white.

- If you want users to enter their name below a signature, please switch on the button to Yes to show Enter Full Name.

Please have a preview:

Email Notifications

That’s it! We hope this article helped you learn how to add Signature to your Elementor Forms.