PDF is a popular document type used by many people today, especially companies and service providers. It is commonly used to confirm information and send invitations, papers, invoices, and so on, and it can be automatically attached and sent to an email after a user fills out a form. Helps save time and money, and is totally accurate.
This article will help you find a simple way to do it.
1. Install the plugin
We are using this plugin you can refer to, they provide full documents as well as demo videos.

After downloading, go to the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins – Upload, and select the plugin file you downloaded. Click on the Install Now button, and once the installation is complete, click on Activate to activate the plugin.
2. Create a form
After installing the plugin, you need to create a form. Follow these steps:
- Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Contact Forms – Add New to create a new Contact Form 7.
- Configure the form fields according to your requirements. Here is our example form.
<label> Full name
[text* your-name autocomplete:name] </label>
<label> Workshop Category March
[radio category23 use_label_element default:1 "Leadership Workshop - Room 204" "Professional Development Seminar - Room 205"] </label>
<label> Job Position Level
[radio joblevel24 use_label_element default:1 "C-level Excecutive" "Management Level" "Basic Employee" "Others"] </label>
<label> Signature
[signature signature-331 full_name] </label>
[submit "Submit"]

3. Create a template
To customize the PDF appearance and layout, you’ll need to create a template.
- In your WordPress dashboard, go to PDF Template – Add New Template
- Select the desired form from the template menu or design by yourself.
- Customize the template by adding headers, footers, logos, QR Code, Signature…and styling options.
- Save the template once you’re satisfied with the design.

4. Settings to turn Contact Forms 7 data into a PDF file via email
To configure the settings for sending Contact Forms 7 as PDF attachments via email, you need to follow:
- Go to the Form – Mail: set up name, email, subject, …

- Go to the Form – PDF– Enable PDF:

- Custom PDF notifications
Choose the template you want to link to the form
Click on Mail to Send the PDF as an email attachment for the selected notifications.
You can also configure the label, password, conditional logic or add a second pdf.

- Test the form

Once submitted, you will receive this email with an attached PDF file.

Click on the PDF to see and download the file: Export Contact Form 7 entries into a PDF

We hope this post helps you find a way to automatically send emails with PDF attachments. This enables you to enhance the presentation and professionalism of your form submissions.