Document – Gravity Forms International Telephone Mask Input Field

This add-on provides an enhanced telephone field specifically designed for international phone numbers. It allows users to input and validate phone numbers in the correct format for their country or region, improving the user experience and data accuracy in your WordPress forms.

Table of Contents:

Installation and settings plugin

  1. Require Gravity Forms
  2. Installation
  3. Telephone Settings

Require Gravity Form

  1. Download:


  • Upload the add-to-any directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Telephone settings – top

Any options that take country codes should be ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes : link:

Drop down the Telephone button for settings.

How to set preferred countries?

Specify the countries to appear at the top of the list – see an example. us|gb

E.g: We want The USA, the United Kingdom of Great Britain appears first.

How to set only the selected countries list?

In the dropdown, display only the countries you specify – see an example.:us|gb|bg

E.g: We want to only display three countries The USA, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Bulgaria.

How to set default countries?

That’s it! We hope this article helped you find how to add Telephone to your Gravity Forms.