Document – Contact Form 7 – Pipedrive CRM Integration

The plugin has the ability to import/capture customers from Contact form 7! To automatically add/update Contact form 7 submissions to your Pipedrive CRM! Have full control over what is sent, and when it is sent to get all the data you need.


Get the API token

You can get the API token manually from the Pipedrive web app by going to account name (on the top right) > Company settings > Personal preferences > API or by clicking here (in case you have multiple companies open at the same time, this link will redirect you to the API token of the last opened company).

Enter the API token to the plugin

Goto menu CRM Marketing -> Configuration -> Pipedrive CRM

Maps Forms with Pipedrive

Goto menu CRM Marketing -> Choose the form

Maps Form with Pipedrive

Submit form and send data to Pipedrive

Choose the form and submit the plugin will send data to Pipedrive

View Logs

Goto menu CRM Marketing -> Logs

That’s it! We hope this article helped you learn how to use Pipedrive CRM with your Contact form 7.