Document – Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Pro – Preview Submission

The Contact Form 7 Multi-Step plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create multi-step forms on your website. This can be particularly useful when you have a complex form with multiple sections or when you want to break down the form-filling process into smaller, more manageable steps.

This plugin lets users preview their form submissions before finalizing and submitting them.


Here are some key features and capabilities typically offered by Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Pro – Preview Submission:

  1. Multi-Step Form: This extension enables the creation of multi-step forms using Contact Form 7. Instead of presenting all form fields on a single page, multi-step forms break them down into multiple sections or steps, enhancing usability and user experience.
  2. Preview Submission: The Preview Submission feature allows users to review their form entries before actually submitting them.
  3. Customizable Preview: The add-on typically provides options to customize the appearance and layout of the submission preview. You can define the preview template, including which form fields are displayed and how they are presented, to match the design of your website or to meet your specific requirements.
  4. Improved User Experience: By incorporating a multi-step form and preview submission feature, this extension enhances the user experience by breaking down complex forms into manageable steps and allowing users to verify and correct their entries before submitting. This can help reduce form abandonment, increase form completion rates, and improve the accuracy of submitted data.

Table of contents:

Plugin Installation

Download here: Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Pro – Preview Submission
Once you’ve downloaded a plugin, you’ll need to install it on your website. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard. Navigate to the “Plugins” section and click on “Add New.” Search for the plugin by name and click “Install Now” once you find it.

After installation, click on “Activate” to activate the plugin.

How To Set Up Multiple-Step Form?

  • Step 1: Create a new form

Hover over the Contact menu, and click on Add New. A new contact form is displayed, give it the title.

Create a new contact  form 7

  • Step 2: Organize your form fields:

When creating the form, you’ll need to decide how you want to organize your form fields into different steps. You can do this by choosing Style and adding steps.

add more steps for Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Pro
8 Style steps for Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Pro

  • Step 3: Configure the Form Steps

For each step, you can customize the step’s title.

 customize the step's title.

  • Step 4: Save the form:

After you’ve organized your form fields into steps, be sure to save the form by clicking the “Save” button.

Customize the Form’s Appearance

The plugin provides several options to customize the appearance of your multi-step form, such as changing the colors, fonts, and layout. You can access these options by going to the “Settings Multistep” section in the form editor.

Customize the Form's Appearance

Confirm the last Step 

The last step may also include a summary of the user’s responses from the previous steps. This allows the user to review the information they’ve provided and make any necessary corrections before submitting the form. It even allows users to go back to previous steps to update their responses.

  • Add content tab [step_confirm] in the last step.

Confirm the last step 

  • Click “Settings Multistep” and modify the name field.

  • Save and have a preview

Confirm the last step for contact form 7 multistep

That’s it! We hope this article helped you find out how to use Multistep with Contact Form 7.