Document – Gravity Forms International Telephone Mask Input Field

This add-on provides an enhanced telephone field specifically designed for international phone numbers. It allows users to input and validate phone numbers in the correct format for their country or region, improving the user experience and data accuracy in your WordPress forms.

Table of Contents:

Plugin Installation

Download it here:

Once you’ve downloaded a plugin, you’ll need to install it on your website. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard. Navigate to the “Plugins” section and click on “Add New.” Search for the plugin by name and click “Install Now” once you find it.

After installation, click on “Activate” to activate the plugin.

How to add an international phone input field?

Step 1: Create a new form

Scroll down to your WordPress dashboard after the plugin has been installed. Go to Forms – Create a new form or choose an existing one.

Step 2: Add a Telephone field.
In the Gravity form editor, drag and drop the Telephone button to the desired section of your page.

add an international phone field to gravity form

Once you complete this step. Save the form and you have added the International Phone Field to Your Form. Let’s see:

add an international phone field to gravity form

Telephone settings – top

Any options that take country codes should be ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes : link:

How to set preferred countries?

It means specifying the countries to appear at the top of the list. By typing the country code into the Preferred Countries box.

If your customers come from which country the most? You can put them on the first of list so they can choose their phone number field quickly.

E.g: We want the United States and the United Kingdom to appear at the top of the list. We just input the country code into the Preferred Countries box: us|gb.

Then you can see the picture below. The United States and the United Kingdom are on the top list.

How to set preferred countries?
set preferred countries for gravity forms

How to set only the selected countries list?

It means displaying only the countries you specify in the dropdown.

E.g: We want to only display three countries The United States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Bulgaria. We just input the country code into the Only Countries box: us|gb|bg

Then you can see the picture below. Three countries are only on the list.

How to set only the selected countries list?
set only the selected countries list for gravity form

How to set default countries?

Typing the countries code into the box “Default”.

E.g: We take an example of the United States.

How to set default countries?

Automatically select the country code based on IP

You can click on the boxes to automatically select the country code based on IP. And validate to avoid entering incorrect phone numbers.

Automatically select the country code based on IP

That’s it! We hope this article helped you find How To Add International Phone Mask Input to your Gravity Forms.