With Contact Form 7 Webhooks, you can send form submissions to external URLs or endpoints, allowing you to perform custom actions or integrate with third-party services.
Installation and settings plugin
- Require contact form 7
- Installation
- Create a Webhooks Action
- Configuring Your Webhooks Action
- Test form
Require contact form 7 – top
- Download: https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/
Installation – top
- Upload the add-to-any directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Create a Webhooks Action – top
New contact form -> click button “Settings Webhooks”

Configuring Your Webhooks Action – top
- Upload the add-to-any directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Enable: Disable or enable request URL
- Remote Method: See the W3 Schools article here for differences https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp
- Remote URL: The URL to which you will be submitting data.
- Custom data Empty will send all key and value
- Key The “name” your chosen URL will use to understand the field data you’re sending
- Field The field containing the data you wish to send to your “Remote URL”
Test form – top
Go to https://webhook.site/ and copy URL -> update Configuring form -> submit contact -> check https://webhook.site/ again!
That’s it! We hope this article helped you find out how to use Webhooks with your contact form 7.