Document – Contact Form 7 Redirects – Thank You And Failed Page

By default, when a user submits a form using Contact Form 7, they are shown a simple confirmation message. However, with the Contact Form 7 Redirects extension, you have the ability to redirect users to a custom thank you page or a designated failed submission page instead.

Here’s an overview of how this extension works:

  • Thank You Page: After a successful form submission, you can configure the extension to redirect the user to a custom thank you page of your choice. This thank you page can be a dedicated page on your website that displays a personalized message or provides additional information to the user. It allows you to create a more engaging and tailored post-submission experience.
  • Failed Submission Page: In case of a failed form submission, such as validation errors or other issues, you can set up a specific page to redirect the user to. This page can display an error message or instructions on how to correct the form and submit it again. It helps to guide users through the submission process and provides a better user experience by offering clear feedback.

Installation and settings plugin

  1. Require Contact Form 7
  2. Installation
  3. New form

Require Contact Form 7 – top

  1. Download:

Installation – top

  1. Upload the add-to-any directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

New form – top

New contact form -> settings tab “Redirects page” and choose page Redirects

Tip: You can create and design Thank you/ Failed page as you want to add to this drop menu like below

( It autos add after you save a your new page).

Or you can also redirect users to an external page by selecting the external URL checkbox and providing a URL in the External URL field.