Document – Bookly – Perfex CRM Integration

The plugin has the ability to import/capture customers from bookly! To automatically add/update gravity forms submissions to your Perfex CRM! Have full control over what is sent, and when it is sent to get all the data you need.

Install & activate modules perfex

The installation of the module is just like any other module installation for Perfex. Login to your Perfex site and go to Setup > Modules.

Unzip the folder and upload the file in “modules perfex/

If the module is successfully installed, you will see it on the modules page. Click on the Activate link to activate the module.

Get Url and Token

Navigate to API CRMAPI CRM Manager – Choose New Token and Enter API Name

Once the Token is generated, copy it to your clipboard. You’ll need to provide this key in the Perfex Modules for Gravity Forms plugin settings.

Configs the WordPress plugin

Goto menu “CRM Marketing” -> “Configuration”->”Perfex” and enter API URL, API Token

Save changes and see the result:

Maps Form with Perfex

Goto menu CRM Marketing -> Choose the form

Submit the form and send data to Perfex

Choose the form and submit the plugin will send data to Perfex

View Logs

Goto menu CRM Marketing -> Logs

That’s it! We hope this article helped you learn how to use Perfex CRM in your bookly.